2018 04 diego

Diego González-Casamachin graduated from Univeridad del Valle (Colombia) with a BS in Chemical Engineering and is currently enrolled in a PhD Program focused on Sustainable Processes at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León (Mexico). He visited our lab to learn about electrochemical methods to characterize ZnO/PPy catalysts employed in photocatalytic elimination of azo dyes in an annular continuos reactor. Read more…



Partial Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-Furancarboxylic Acid Using O2 and a Photocatalyst of a Composite of ZnO/PPy Under Visible-Light: Electrochemical Characterization and Kinetic Analysis
Diego A. Gonzalez-Casamachin, Javier Rivera De la Rosa, Carlos J. Lucio–Ortiz, Ladislao S. Range, and Carlos D. García
Chemical Engineering Journal 393 (2020) 124699